Medical Relief Funds

Many of us are concerned about the people around us who don’t have food to eat, have no house to live in, have no access to healthcare, or are abandoned by their own families. Fahi Tanzeem Khar(FTK) Reg. feel deep sympathy and agony by the pain of the unfortunate ones, Read more…

Thongus Fund for Flood 2020

Distribute Rs 50,000 check for flood victims Fund was distributed on August 2021 for Thongus Flood occurred on 2020 فلاحی تنظیم کھر (رجسٹرڈ) کے زیر نگرانی فلاحی سرگرمیاں جاری۔۔۔ حالیہ تھونموس (چھوربٹ) میں قدرتی آفات سیلاب کی وجہ لوگوں کے کافی املاک کو نقصان پہنچا۔ اس ضمن میں معروف سماجی Read more…

Corona Relief Fund 2020

Distribution of Corona Relief Fund 2020 The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported in Wuhan, China, in 2019, and subsequently spread globally to become the fifth documented pandemic since the 1918 flu pandemic. By September 2021, almost two years after COVID-19 was first identified, there had been more than 200 Read more…